Industrial Container blog

Hello! We are VeinWorks for Industrial Containers. Today we present the latest news on Artificial Intelligence. According to NHK NEWS WEB on May 25, 2024 ※ Image taken from the above article Products that enable natural interaction between humans and AI attracted much attention at the “AI and Artificial Intelligence EXPO Spring” held at Tokyo Big Sight. The latest generative AIs are capable of natural dialogue that reads a person's tone of voice and indicates emotion. On the other hand,...

Hello! We are VeinWorks for Industrial Containers. Today we have some news on the 2024 Problem. According to the Yomiuri Shimbun On-Line, May 25, 2024 ※ Image taken from the above article A record number of 156 companies exhibited at Japan's largest truck show held this month in Yokohama. Of particular note were exhibits of products designed to address the 2024 Problem (the decline in transportation capacity due to a shortage of truck drivers). Nakao Industries exhibited a conveyor system for...

Hello! We are VeinWorks for Industrial Containers. Today we have news about rainbow trout laying salmon eggs. According to NHK NEWS WEB on May 25, 2024 ※ Image taken from the above article A research group at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology has successfully transplanted salmon cells into rainbow trout to repeatedly lay salmon eggs. This technology is expected to improve the efficiency of salmon farming and conserve resources. It can also be applied to other fish and may be...

Hello! We are VeinWorks for Industrial Containers. Today, we would like to share with you some news about "manufacturing" with biology. According to BUSINESS INSIDER May 16, 2024 ※ Image taken from BUSINESS INSIDER Sojitz has formed a business alliance with Ginkgo Bioworks, an American synthetic biology venture, and appears to be developing synthetic biology research and development services in Japan! In the future, a shift from conventional "manufacturing" based on petrochemical raw...

Hello! We are VeinWorks for Industrial Containers. Today we would like to share with you some news about popular Japanese anime in India. According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, May 13, 2024. ※ Image taken from the Nihon Keizai Shimbun In India, an increasing number of companies are focusing on promoting Japanese anime, and interest in Japanese anime has been growing especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, with many young people participating in an event held in Mumbai and enjoying cosplay of...

Hello! We are VeinWorks for Industrial Containers. Today we have news about a future city model for the year 2050. By Mynavi News, May 17, 2024 ※ Image taken from Mynavi News SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024, an event to present the future city model of 2050 from Tokyo, opened on May 17. They will be divided into themes such as MOVE, SHOP, WORK, LEARN, LIVE, and PLAY, allowing visitors to experience future mobility, ways of working, and living. Also on display are 360-degree images and vibrating devices...

Hello! We are VeinWorks for Industrial Containers. Today we have some news about ammonia power generation. According to Nihon Keizai Shimbun May 13, 2024. ※ Image taken from Nihon Keizai Shimbun IHI has been working on the practical application of ammonia power generation that does not emit carbon dioxide. It is estimated that by 2050, electricity demand in Southeast Asia will be about three times higher than in 2021. IHI has successfully tested power generation using only ammonia, and is...

Hello! We are VeinWorks for Industrial Containers. Today we have some news about coffee beans. According to BUSINESS INSIDER May 12, 2024 ※ Image taken from BUSINESS INSIDER Coffee is extremely popular around the world and 2 billion cups are consumed every day. On the other hand, deforestation caused by the mass consumption of coffee beans is having a negative impact on the environment, and companies have emerged to develop biotechnological alternatives. Atomo has launched Coachella Latte...

Hello! We are VeinWorks for Industrial Containers. Today we have some news about the carbon dioxide gases that cause global warming. According to Newswitch, May 11, 2024. ※ Image taken from Newswitch Toshiba Energy Systems has developed a new CO2 absorbent to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and has conducted a test run of about 8,000 hours at a cleaning plant in Saga City with good results. The newly developed CO2 absorbent has a degradation rate 1/3 faster than conventional products,...

Hello! We are VeinWorks for Industrial Containers. Today we have some news about managing digital data. According to NHK NEWS WEB May 7, 2024 ※ Image taken from NHK NEWS WEB  The concept of "data sovereignty," in which data is stored domestically among companies and secured under their own regulations and rules, seems to be gaining ground. Fujitsu plans to collaborate with Oracle to provide a new service that completes data exchange in Japan, while NEC and NTT have also started services...
